Our Process

We deploy this tested 8 stage process to create the key assets and elements for your successful pitch. Each stage is tailored to suit your individual deal requirements.

Stage 1: Advisory, discovery & planning

on how to talk about your solution to your audience. We take time to understand your buyer and prospective customer – what is driving them to need this solution from you? We’ll ensure we understand the high-level benefits and features of your solution and offer. It’s here we set out a detailed plan and schedule that sets out how we aim to deliver your pitch.

Stage 2. Corporate storytelling.

Creating the deal narrative– we craft a narrative framework on which to hang your proposition and pitch script – fully aligned to your brand tone of voice. The script will start to be drafted here, along with key messages, distilling the benefits and features statements that will resonate with your buyer. It’s at this point we set out the pitch format and plan the presentation structure.

Stage 3. Script writing.

We will write the presentation and pitch script – setting out who says what and when to a solid and methodical structure. Our writing will be persuasive, compelling, clear and ensure your buyer has full clarity and is left with no ambiguity.

Stage 4. Visual design, animation and video production.

Following any brand guidelines that may be in place, we will design and deliver infographics or static and animated visuals that support and improve your solution presentation. We will create visuals that show complex solutions in action, simplified for the buyer to understand quickly and clearly. We create compelling hero videos that open the presentation and set the scene – ensuring the audience is in a buying mood and stimulated. Our hero videos provoke an emotional response.

Stage 5. Deck builds.

Using either PowerPoint or Keynote, we build decks that surpass expectations and understanding of what’s possible. Our decks flow like works of art, taking the audience on a journey, rich in strong visuals, and key elements.

Stage 6. Executive summary production.

No pitch should be delivered without a powerful and clear executive summary being handed to your buyer at the end. These printed or digital executive summaries provide key facts and solution overview supporting the continuation of the deal conversation long after the pitch.

Stage 7. Presentation coaching and rehearsals.

We facilitate presenter coaching, ensuring your pitch team are on point, speak clearly and get to the point. We’ll run rehearsals of the pitch so everyone knows their lines and role.

Stage 8. Pitch facilitation & support.

We can run your pitch for you, taking away all the pain and distraction of will the tech work, are we on the right slide. We can set and dress the room, provide presenting AV and audience comfort – or we can hand it over to you to run yourself.

Our Speciality

We have a tried and tested template to delivering the perfect bid. Our 8-stage approach will be transparent, fast and aligned to your brand and delivered in consultation with your brand and marketing teams.

Depending on opportunity scale, we have optional delivery components that complement and support your bid success.

Deal Stage

Knowing the right point to bring in the pitch delivery expertise is crucial. We have adopted a proven model for supporting large and complex deals. Our team parachute in once the offer is clear. We’ll begin working with your bids team to craft the deal and solution narrative – telling a compelling story about your offer.

Embedding with your bids team, our lean team of consultants and prompt engineers work as one – ensuring efficient and effective design of a strategic approach, materials creation and delivery of the pitch. We build the story, create the materials and deck and coach your presenters ready for the perfect delivery – driving an emotional response to action in your buyer.

Are you ready to

create your winning pitch?