Our Story

When Bareska was founded in 2014, our goal was to shake up and influence the traditional agency model of delivering visual content into B2B businesses. We have always been and remain to this day content experts – we know how to make visuals and stories that positively influence and persuade your customers.

With a background in broadcasting and entertainment, we started with small businesses to test our approach – then quickly grew to help large organisations present complex solutions in a pitch to senior market leaders. The resultant successes confirmed the power of a strong narrative and compelling content in driving an emotional response in your customers to buy from you.

With our international roots, we draw on global expertise and team. We are a tech-driven business, with AI at the root of our delivery model and sustainability at our heart. Protecting the habitat of the Bareska bear is a symbol of our aspirations for a cleaner and greener future.

It’s been a brilliant journey — one that continues to evolve.

Our Mission is to enable and improve your sales success.

We set out to enable you to sell and engage faster and smarter – driving greater business success through lasting human connections. Your customer deal experiences will be improved, your sales content impactful and pitches more persuasive.

On the way, we’ll provide excellence in customer service, and absolute transparency on delivery progress. We will be focussed on your ROI and ensure our solutions of tomorrow are innovative and strategic – leading to your tangible business growth. We will stay on the cutting edge of technology powered design, ensuring your future content is ahead of the curve and you are in front of your competition.

Why we do it

To make an impact.

We take immense pride in our work being successful for you. Our goal is to set a new standard within your business for delivering high value opportunity pitches.

To future-proof our clients.

We stay on the cutting edge of technology and design, ensuring we’re always up-to-date and innovating. Our delivery and R&D teams at Bareska Labs keep the pace to bring the future of content to our present work.

To make meaningful work.

We understand the challenges businesses face in trying to make meaningful connections with their audience and win new business. So that’s what we make easy for clients: knowing what to deliver and why.

To provide opportunity and create jobs.

We seek to form new structured career paths and provide opportunities for talented young people and those with disabilities in the creative b2b consulting arena.

Stuart Campbell, CEO

Carly Watson, Senior Managing Partner

Samantha West, Operations Manager

Aerol Nastor, Solution Design Lead

Sashank Agarwal, Digital & Creative Project Manager

Our Mission is to enable and improve your sales success.

We set out to enable you to sell and engage faster and smarter – driving greater business success through lasting human connections. Your customer deal experiences will be improved, your sales content impactful and pitches more persuasive.

On the way, we’ll provide excellence in customer service, and absolute transparency on delivery progress. We will be focussed on your ROI and ensure our solutions of tomorrow are innovative and strategic – leading to your tangible business growth. We will stay on the cutting edge of technology powered design, ensuring your future content is ahead of the curve and you are in front of your competition.

Why we do it

To make an impact.

We take immense pride in our work being successful for you. Our goal is to set a new standard within your business for delivering high value opportunity pitches.

To future-proof our clients.

We stay on the cutting edge of technology and design, ensuring we’re always up-to-date and innovating. Our delivery and R&D teams at Bareska Labs keep the pace to bring the future of content to our present work.

To make meaningful work.

We understand the challenges businesses face in trying to make meaningful connections with their audience and win new business. So that’s what we make easy for clients: knowing what to deliver and why.

To provide opportunity and create jobs.

We seek to form new structured career paths and provide opportunities for talented young people and those with disabilities in the creative b2b consulting arena.

Are you ready to

make your brand stand out?

Embark on a transformative journey with us.
Elevate, innovate, and connect like never before.